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Tuesday, October 09, 2012

"Any closet is a walk-in if you try hard enough"

(Quote by Steve Connelly)

So this thing growing inside of me seems to make everyone want to nest.  And Hubbs got the lovely idea to redo the closet.  Now here I was just thinking that I would add a few cute boxes and get rid of some old clothes.  His idea involved a complete remodel.  Which is totally fine, we had discussed this previously.  But his mindset was that if we don't do it now, we won't do it when baby comes. 

So he ordered all of the stuff (we went with Martha) (from Home Depot in case you want to see the stuff.  And it arrived.  In boxes.  Tons and tons of boxes.  I'm not kidding, there were like 30 boxes in our living room.  Let me remind you that we are having the baby shower at our house, next weekend.  So he had two weeks tops to get this thing done.

This is what the closet used to look like (I can't find a real photo):

It was the really crappy wire bracket shelving and it was going to fall down.  We had too much weight on it and the bars were bowing.

So first we moved all the clothes out and put them in other closets.  This took some time.  Hubbs did most of the work though because he is awesome like that.

Then he ripped everything out.  This was the only photo I got of that process.

Then he patched and sanded the holes from the old brackets.  He's so handy.

Then he painted.  That picture is on the tablet so, you are going to have to wait.  But we just painted it white.  Then he installed.  And installed.  And installed.  And finished!  YAY!

This is Hubbs side.

This is my side.  I have more to the left but couldn't get the whole wall.

A whole system for shoes.  Just shoes.  Can you believe it?

And this is the whole closet.  Sort of.  You miss out on the shoe side but that's ok.  We have already filled it with clothes.  Hubbs finished all of his side but it's taking me quite a bit longer due to the fact that I'm large and have a ton of clothes.  And it's not as simple as work shirts, t-shirts, sweaters.  As it is for some people.  So once it is completely full and I am satisfied with how it turned out, I'll take another set of photos. 

Isn't it purrrty?